Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monday is the Day

We had a great visit to the doctor yesterday; everything is going well. Brian asked the doctor if there was anything we can do to speed up the process of getting the baby here. The doctor replied, well we can do it tomorrow or Monday if you would like. You could imagine the look on our faces when discussing the thought of tomorrow, which would have been today! Deer in headlights for sure! We decided that tomorrow was too quick and opted for Monday if Gabriella doesn't come on her own. Sunday night the hospital will call us to let us know what time to be there the following morning. It will probably be some ungodly hour like 5:00am so they can get me hooked up to drugs and get things rolling. The doctor will come in between 7:00-8:00am to check me and he anticipates that if all goes well we will have a baby by around 4:00 that afternoon.

From the getgo I was anti-induction. After hearing some horror stories and knowing the fact that 40% of inductions end up in c-sections you really think twice. But, after talking with the doctor and trusting his judgment, he said he would make me go overdue if he felt my body and the baby weren't ready. Since I am already dilating and thinned, I have "favorable conditions" for a positive induction. Wish us luck on Monday!