Sunday, January 17, 2010

Meeting Family

Gabby met her Great-Gramda Charlotte, Great-Aunt Carol, and her cousin Rachel this weekend! They came to visit Miss Gabby and we had a wonderful time. It was fun having four generations of Sachs women together. Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you again in April!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Three Months

Gabby, you are 3 months old today! We don't have a weight or length measurement as there is no doctors appointment this month, but I do have to say you have grown tremendously. You are still wearing 3 mo. size clothing and still have plenty of room to grow into!

As you see in the picture, you sure are smiling more often. You are a very happy baby most of the time! You now giggle if you find something funny, you talk to your toys and to us and you absolutely LOVE bath time! You usually go to bed around 8:00pm and I can count on you getting up around 6:30am. There have been times that you wake between 4:00am and 6:00am, but those nights are less frequent. You are much more alert and aware of everything that is going on around you, therefore you are very curious. If you see something of interest you furrow your brow and focus on that object intently. I think you are going to have your Daddy's curiousity!

We love you more and more as each day passes and we feel very blessed to be your parents!


Mommy and Daddy
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy Days

We had a wonderful Christmas! Gabby enjoyed looking at all of her new toys. I have put most of them away to bring out as she gets older. It will be like Christmas all over again! I got a new camera (that I love!) and am having so much fun capturing some of Gabby's best moments. I am looking forward to learning more about photography so that I can continue to capture those moments.
Grandpa Jim and Grandma Christy visited right before Christmas. After Christmas, Grandma Mary came to visit. We loved having everyone here and I know they all enjoyed spending time with Gabby. It was special for each of them to spend time with Gabby during her first Christmas. She is very much loved by all of her family! In a week, Gabby's great-grandma, great aunt and cousin are coming to visit. It will be a fun girls weekend!
We hope everyone had a great and safe New Year!