Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Baby's First Picture

We went to the doctor this morning for our first ultrasound and the baby was on full display! He/she was super active, dancing around and waving its arms and legs. Oh and one more surprise...according to the doctor and his calculations we should be 9w 6 days today, well, we are acutally measuring ahead at 11w 1 day. Kind of a blessing in disguise for me as that means morning sickness is that much closer to being over with!!! Other than that, both baby and I are healthy and doing well. I go back next week for another appointment and I think to have some blood work done. I will try to post this morning's ultrasound pictures soon.


  1. Congratulations, Sarah and Brian. Very excellent news!! Don't worry Sarah--you will be loving pregnancy soon enough. Even though I was sick every day of my pregnancy with Amanda, it was still the most wonderful experience a woman could ever have. Well, I did go on to have two more didn't I?

  2. Much congratulations to you both!
