Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa is my Friend?

Santa was visiting Chick-fil-a for breakfast last weekend, so our playgroup met there. This was Gabby's second time to be near Santa and neither time was very successful. Santa was wonderful; he said hello when we arrived, tried to play peek-a-boo with Gabby and then left her alone when she wasn't showing signs of interest (in reality she was choking Mommy with her death grip). Every once in a while, Santa would walk by and say hello to the kids. She would pout and fuss. Eventually I had to have her sit in his lap so I could get a picture. It is about as pitiful as they get, and Santa felt really guilty! Hopefully next year, we will have more luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! What we put our kids through for a good pic! Ho ho ho!
