Surprise! We are pregnant! Okay, I will give you a minute to get over your took us a minute, or five. At this point, I am a little over 9 weeks and completely jealous of any person who says they LOVE being pregnant! I have been miserable with 24 hour a day sickness and exhaustion. My doctor was wonderful and gave me a prescription for Zofran and Phenegram which have taken the edge off. It's nice to not have my head in the toilet all day!
We go to the doctor for my first 'real' exam this Wednesday. I can't wait to see the little one and to hear the heartbeat. It will help make this more real, although how much more real do I need this to be, morning sickness should make it real enough!
I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with you all. It's great how technology has allowed a way for our family to be a part of our journey, even if you aren't able to be here with us!